Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: TUESDAY, November 2, 1993 TAG: 9311020038 SECTION: BUSINESS PAGE: B-7 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
A & B Enterprises of Southwestern Virginia Inc., Daniel S. Atkins, Pulaski
Appalachian AIDS Coalition Inc., Sarah Jane Lee, Roanoke
Best Concrete Inc., Joseph F. Hunnicutt, Norton
Better Plumbing & Drain Cleaning Co. Inc., Robert Joseph Townley, Roanoke
CommuniCon Inc., Norman K. Moses, Salem
Cycle Roanoke Valley Inc., George J.A. Clemo, Roanoke
Etter Enterprises Inc., Diane N. Etter, Roanoke
Hostel of the Good Shepherd Inc., Karen Loftin, Galax
Human Resource Dynamics Inc., David C. Helscher, Roanoke
Progress in Narrows Now (PINN) Inc., Garland S. Spangler, Pearisburg
Alleghany County Memorial Hospital Inc., H.V. Lindsey, Independence