Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, November 3, 1993                   TAG: 9311030345
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Cranwell beats back Brumitt

House Majority Leader Dick Cranwell proved he's still not vulnerable by beating Republican Bud Brumitt, his first opposition in 12 years, by a 3-to-2 margin.

Griffith mauls Packett

Salem lawyer Morgan Griffith kept retiring Del. Steve Agee's seat in Republican hands, trouncing Democratic ad agency executive Howard Packett in a race that dealt as much with personalities as politics.

Dudley eclipses Naff, Johnson

What was supposed to be a landslide victory for the Democrats turned into a happy surprise for the Republicans. Allen Dudley won the 9th District seat, which has belonged to Democrat Willard Finney for 12 years, over Democrat Wes Naff and independent Jerry Johnson.

Shuler wins over Rush

Jim Shuler will keep the New River Valley's House seat in Democratic hands. Voters picked the Blacksburg veterinarian over delivery driver Nick Rush to replace Joan Munford, who is retiring.

Party line-up in the old House of Delegates

Democrats 58

Republicans 41

Independents 1

Party line-up in the new House of Delegates

Democrats 52

Republicans 47

Independents 1


 by CNB