Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, November 7, 1993                   TAG: 9311070117
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


"Smoking is not addictive - anyone can quit smoking anytime they want. Smoking does not conclusively cause cancer or any other illness. Tobacco companies do not advertise to entice new smokers."

That is the sworn testimony of top officers of some American tobacco companies - compelled by a Florida attorney to answer tough questions about smoking.

Their statements came during depositions for a $5 billion lawsuit on behalf of flight attendants who claim they were harmed by breathing cigarette smoke on airline flights before smoking was banned on domestic flights.

The executives all hewed to the industry line, often using identical words: Some "risks" may exist, but a "causal" relationship between cigarette smoking and cancer has never been proven.

None would give an inch, even when reminded by their interrogator that 50,000 scientific studies have documented a connection between smoking and sickness.

But one top executive broke, bursting into tears when confronted by a Holocaust analogy - asked if his denials were comparable to those of people who deny the Nazi extermination of six million Jews.

Until now, the chieftains of the U.S. tobacco industry have been essentially invisible to the public - cloaked by spokesmen, lobbyists and lawyers. After a nine-month legal battle, Miami attorney Stanley Rosenblatt made some of them raise their hands and swear to tell the truth.

Here are excerpts:

William Campbell is president and chief executive officer of Philip Morris Inc., which produces Marlboro, Virginia Slims, Benson & Hedges, Merit, Parliament and other cigarettes.

Campbell, in his early 50s, is divorced and has two children. He smokes about 10 cigarettes a day. His ex-wife has never smoked. He earned $800,000 last year.

Rosenblatt: "Is cigarette smoking, is tobacco addictive?"

Campbell: "No, I do not believe that tobacco smoking is addictive."

Rosenblatt: "What do you say to all of those people that say, you know, `I have tried to quit smoking. I have been to courses. I have been to shrinks. I stopped for a few days, but I can't stop. I'm back.' "

Campbell: "I say there are 50 million Americans that have quit, and if you set your mind on it, and that is what you really want to do, you will do it."

Rosenblatt: "Willpower?"

Campbell: "Uh-huh."

Rosenblatt: "So, with respect to all of the scientific studies and with respect to all of the surgeon general's reports saying that cigarette smoking caused cancer, as I understand it, your conscience is perfectly clear as the president of Philip Morris Inc., because you don't think it's been proven . . . ?"

Campbell: "I think that I sell a legal product in a legal way. The public is warned about the risks associated with the product."

Rosenblatt: "And if they smoke the product and they get cancer, tough? They got what they deserve?"

Campbell: "I don't wish ill health on anyone."

Rosenblatt: "Mr. Campbell, you mentioned, I believe, that one of your children is a teen-ager? . . . The 16-year-old, hypothetical question, comes over to you and says, you know, `Daddy, I'm thinking of becoming a smoker. What do you think, Dad?' "

Campbell: "I think that you are too young to make that decision."

Rosenblatt: " `OK. But I am going to start smoking.' "

Campbell: "I would prefer that you waited until you were in a position to make a reasonable adult choice . . . "

Rosenblatt: "I'm now 22. My question is, you know, `Daddy, I want to smoke . . . but, you know, you're the president of Philip Morris . . . If you tell me not to smoke, I won't smoke.' . . . What would you tell her?"

Campbell: "I would tell her, `Have you assembled all the information that you need to make that decision?' "

Rosenblatt: "And she says, `You are my final authority. I have read a lot of conflicting information. I'm confused.' "

Campbell: "I would - it's her adult decision in the end. I can't - "

Rosenblatt: "Now I know why you contributed to the American Civil Liberties Union. You're a liberal. Just let her die."

Campbell: "If she is fully informed."

Martin Orlowsky, executive vice president for marketing of Lorillard, is a former vice president of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., which makes Camel, Winston, Salem and other brands.

He began smoking at 18 and twice tried to quit. Now he smokes one pack a day. His wife quit smoking seven years ago. Orlowsky earned $323,000 last year.

Rosenblatt: "Was it difficult for you to quit smoking; or you just decided one day to quit, and you quit?"

Orlowsky: "When I decided to quit, I quit."

Rosenblatt: "And then four years later, you decide you're going to smoke again?"

Orlowsky: "Correct."

Rosenblatt: "No reason?"

Orlowsky: "No, other than my personal decision to resume smoking."

Rosenblatt: "Are cigarettes addictive?"

Orlowsky: "I do not believe they are."

Rosenblatt: "Based on what?"

Orlowsky: "My own personal experience."

Michael Rosenbaum is executive vice president of Brooke Group Ltd., a company that owns Liggett Group Inc., which makes Chesterfield, L&M, Eve and other brands.

Neither Rosenbaum nor his wife smokes. Only one of his four children smokes.

Rosenblatt: "You believe cigarettes cause cancer, don't you, smoking cigarettes?"

Rosenbaum: "I'm not a medical doctor. I don't have a clue."

Rosenblatt: "In all candor, wouldn't you equate those who say cigarettes don't cause cancer to those who assert that the Holocaust never happened?"

(Rosenbaum's attorney objects.)

Rosenbaum: "That is a demeaning question . . . "

(Rosenbaum's attorney objects again.)

Rosenblatt: "Isn't it true that the reason you thought the question was demeaning is because you know I hit a nerve? Isn't it appalling to you, or do you feel, hey, they're entitled to their opinion?"

Rosenbaum: "It's not appalling to me."

(Rosenbaum's attorney argues strenuously with Rosenblatt.)

Rosenbaum continues: "I think that people have a right to say whatever they want . . . "

Rosenblatt: "And it doesn't upset you at all to have people say that cigarette smoking doesn't cause cancer?"

Rosenbaum: "No. People are entitled to their opinions."

Rosenblatt: "But in your opinion, the Holocaust happened, and Hitler's responsible for the death of at least six million Jews, right?"

Rosenbaum: "Yes."

The witness then burst into tears and sobbed uncontrollably. The deposition was terminated.

 by CNB