Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, November 14, 1993                   TAG: 9311120336
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 9   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Jean Maude Gniazdowski and Robert Lee Barker were united in marriage on November 13, 1993 in St. Andrew'sCatholic Church. Father Peter Tran was the officiating clergyman. The reception was held in the banquet room ofBlueberry Hill Restaurant & Lounge.

Lisa Paulette Gniazdowski, sister of the bride, served as matron of honor.The bridesmaids were Miss Rosemarie Barker, sister of the groom; MissPamela Clark and Mrs. Pamela McDaniel Spangler, friends of the bride. MissStephanie Miller, cousin of the bride, was the flowergirl. Mr. Walter Lewis Barker served as his son's best man. Thegroomsmen were Mr. Allen Ayers, future brother-in-law of the bride; Mr. Todd Nicely, stepbrother of the groom; and Mr. Earl Saunders, stepfather of the groom. The ushers were Mr. Adrian Gee, uncle of the bride; and Mr. Ronald Gniazdowski, uncle and godfather of the bride. Mr. Joshua Murray, friend of the bride, was the ringbearer. The readers were Mrs. Mary Ruzella Miller, cousin of the bride; Miss Tambra Ried, friend of the bride; and Mr. Ronald Gniazdowski, uncle and Godfather of the bride. Mrs. Tracie Eures, friend of the bride, was the guestbook attendant.

Jean is the daughter of Gerard G. and Linda P. Grout of Roanoke and Robert E. Gniazdowski of Baltimore, Md. She is a graduate of Northside High School and Arnold R. Burton Technical School, and attended Virginia Western Community College. She is employed by InnotechIncorporated. Robert is the son of Earl and Connie Saunders of Roanoke, and Walter and Gail Barker of Vinton. He is a graduate of William Byrd High School and is a self employed sub-contractor.

Following their wedding trip toGatlinburg, Tenn. and Baltimore, Md., the newlyweds will reside in Roanoke.

 by CNB