Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, November 17, 1993                   TAG: 9311170026
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-2   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: BLACKSBURG                                LENGTH: Medium


MYRON GUILLORY, a 6-2 Louisiana standout will play basketball for the Hokies.

Virginia Tech's basketball team has nabbed a point guard, the Hokies' first catch of the early signing period, and may be ready to sign a frontcourt player.

Myron Guillory, a 6-foot-2, 170-pound guard from Barbee High School in Lake Charles, La., said Tuesday he will attend Tech. Guillory, who said he has achieved the minimum ACT score for freshman eligibility and said he has a 3.68 grade-point average, will be rated among the top 150 players in the country by recruiting analyst Bob Gibbons.

Gibbons said Tuesday that another of his top 150 players, 6-9, 250-pound Eriq Mason of Pinkston High School in Dallas, has committed to Tech. However, Mason's coach, Michael Cotton, said Mason will decide between Tech and Rutgers after Pinkston's game Tuesday night.

Cotton said Mason was leaning toward Tech and as of last Friday favored Rutgers, but maintained "he hasn't signed with anybody."

Guillory said he averaged 19.4 points per game as a junior, and said he had 24 points in Barbee's season-opener on Monday.

"One of my strong points is penetrating and passing," Guillory said. "My shot has improved a lot. Right now [I'm working on] mostly handling [the ball] and making good decisions."

Guillory said he wants to major in either physical therapy or mechanical engineering, and said Tech's athletic reputation helped attract him. His only official visit besides Tech, he said, was to Lamar University in Texas. He said Providence and South Florida had shown some interest.

"He emerged this summer as the best point guard in the state of Louisiana," Gibbons said. "He has good size and shoots the ball well. That's an excellent addition to Virginia Tech."

 by CNB