Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, November 21, 1993                   TAG: 9311190105
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


GARAGE SALE MANAGER (IBM) _ This shareware program will print labels for all your items, including the owner's initials, price and name of item. Cash receipts can be printed on the spot, and at the end of the day, you can print reports for yourself and all your neighbors. The program will run on virtually any PC, including the old XT you're trying to sell, and virtually any printer, including that 9-pin dot matrix you'd like to unload. Garage Sale Manager is menu-driven and has on-line help. It also will run in Windows. Look for version 2.0 or higher on bulletin boards.

SKUNNY GAMES (IBM) _ Three shareware games from a company in Belgium feature Skunny, "a squirrel who loves children, animals and sticky nut pudding." He lives out adventure stories his father told him, including Back to the Forest, in which Skunny rescues his friends from evil toads (at one point Skunny meets a magic acorn that makes him fly); Save Our Pizzas, in which Skunny travels back to ancient Rome to retrieve a stolen pizza recipe; and Desert Raid, in which Skunny pilots a biplane to take on Scud missiles fired by Sadman Insane. You'll need a SoundBlaster-compatible card, VGA color monitor and a hard disk for these games.

DRAG AND ZIP (Windows) _ If you've ever downloaded programs from bulletin boards, you've probably worked with zipped, or compressed, files. To unzip them, you need PKZIP-PKUNZIP, a shareware classic. Drag and Zip for Windows lets you create zipped files by dragging them onto a zipper icon. You also can view the contents of the zipped file without unzipping it, and read the document files in your favorite word processor. Easy to set up and use, it surely will find a place on your hard disk with a $15 registration fee.

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