Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, December 5, 1993                   TAG: 9312050204
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-15   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: From staff reports
DATELINE: CHARLOTTESVILLE                                LENGTH: Medium


After trailing by 10 points during regulation, Cave Spring pulled away from host Albemarle in overtime to win 51-46 Saturday night in high school girls' basketball.

Aimee Beightol scored 18 points to lead Cave Spring (2-0) to the non-district win. Alivian Coates led Albemarle (1-1) with 12.

The Knights trailed by six points with four minutes remaining in the fourth quarter, but three baskets after steals by Aimee Beightol and her twin, Allison Beightol, tied the score. Cave Spring then took a three-point lead with 15 seconds remaining in regulation, but Albemarle forced an overtime period with a 3-pointer with four seconds left.

With the score 43-43, the teams traded baskets at the beginning of overtime. The Knights then pulled ahead 47-45 and went to a spread offense for the final 1:30. Albemarle was forced to foul, and Cave Spring hit four of eight free throws down the stretch.

\ Private School Tipoff

Roanoke Catholic 39, North Cross 22: The host Celtics used a man-to-man defense to force 18 steals as they defeated the Raiders in the championship game of the Private School Tipoff.

Roanoke Valley Christian 33, Stuart Hall 31: Angela Primo hit two free throws with 35 seconds left in overtime to give the Eagles the victory in the consolation game.

\ GW-Danville 86\ Patrick Henry 84

After trailing by 12 points at the end of the third quarter, Patrick Henry's boys had a chance to tie or beat GW-Danville with three seconds remaining in regulation.

But Patrick Henry's Quinton Twine took the inbounds pass and ran out of his shoe after making a cut at half court, and time ran out on the Patriots (1-1) as the visiting Eagles (1-0) held on for the win.

 by CNB