Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: THURSDAY, December 9, 1993 TAG: 9312090131 SECTION: NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL PAGE: A-4 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: Associated Press DATELINE: TEL AVIV, ISRAEL LENGTH: Short
"I cannot and will not be a silent collaborator of his crimes against small, innocent children," she told a hastily called midnight press conference at a Tel Aviv hotel.
Jack Gordon, LaToya Jackson's manager and husband of four years, said Michael Jackson had threatened to kill LaToya and tried to kidnap her twice to keep her from revealing his secrets.
"Forget about the superstar, forget about the icon," Jackson said, her voice trembling. "If he was any other man . . . who was sleeping with little boys, you wouldn't like this guy."
Jackson faces a civil lawsuit in Los Angeles from a 13-year-old boy who claims he was molested by the singer. Police are investigating, but no criminal charges have been filed.
The 35-year-old singer canceled a world tour last month and disappeared, saying he needed treatment for an addiction to painkillers brought on by his anguish over the allegations.
LaToya Jackson, who is estranged from her family, said her mother had frequently complained that Michael was homosexual and had shown her checks made out to his alleged victims' parents.
"The sums are very large," she said.
by CNB