Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, December 11, 1993                   TAG: 9312110108
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


More state aid for schools: The city wants the legislature to fund the state's share of the standards of quality for schools and revise the funding formula to eliminate inequities. The formula does not recognize the special needs of cities such as Roanoke, with 52 percent of its students coming from economically deprived homes.

A legislative commission to study the problems of central cities: City officials say Roanoke faces unusual financial pressures because it provides some services, such as public housing, for the entire region.

Many low-income people needing financial aid migrate to Roanoke to take advantage of programs and services for the disadvantaged. The state should provide special funds for cities which serve an entire region, officials said.

One-half cent local option sales tax: It would provide $6.4 million a year in needed revenue, city officials said.

Feasibility study for a new Amtrak route: The city wants the legislature to support and provide the funds if needed for a study of a proposed Amtrak train which would pass through Roanoke and Southwest Virginia on its way from New York to Atlanta. The study would be made jointly by Amtrak and state transportation officials.

Opening schools before Labor Day: State law prohibits schools from opening before Labor Day. School officials say this creates scheduling problems and requires schools to remain in session until the middle of June, particularly when schools are closed often because of snow and bad weather during the winter.

Tougher gun-control laws: Council wants the legislature to ban assault weapons such as the AK-47. It also supports legislation to make carrying a loaded, concealed weapon without a permit a felony instead of a misdemeanor.

More money for the Virginia Museum of Transportation: The state provided $110,000 for the museum this year, but city officials said more funds are needed for the museum's operations.

 by CNB