Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, December 23, 1993                   TAG: 9312230089
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Frankie Land, in honor of her co-workers at First Presbyterian Church, Jess Bratton, Robert Chapman, Marlene Flynn, Shelia Keeling, Susan Perfater, Annette Ragsdale, Bob Smith and Jerry Tanks

Charles W. Eanes

MaryAnn and Adam Haraf

His neighbors on Forest Drive, in memory of Albert Croft

Claire Kennett, in memory of Mary F. Kennett

Richard M. Giles Jr., in memory of Richard M. Giles Sr. and Cora Bell Giles

Millard and Jean Naff

W.D. Lillard

R.L. Devitt, in memory of John Barbour Frye

Nell S. Dutton

Knights of Columbus, Council No. 562, in memory of members of the council

Ben, Andy and Kate Garden, in honor of their Sunday school teachers at Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church

John S. Sabean and Susan Pauley

Brenda Craig, in honor of her co-workers in Resource Development at Roanoke College

Bruce Janney, in memory of Betty Janney

Bonnie Wingfield, in memory of Julius D. Simmons

Charles R. Simpson Inc.

Rick and Jackie Fernald

Angelina Daly, in honor of Our Blessed Mother

Ray and Betty Poff, in memory of Roy Poff and Darrell Long

Greeley and Lorna Wyatt, in honor of their grandchildren, Jimmy, Jared, Rebecca, Annie, Amanda, Lara and Christopher

Jerry and Mary Kalafut

Ann and Ken Journell, in memory of Mr. and Mrs. H.T. Hale and Coy Rice

Thursday Night Bridge Club, in memory of Jack White

Walter Rugaber

Bea Overstreet, in memory of her parents, Leroy and Thelma Light

Stanley B. and Sybil C. Hayes

Liz Alls, in honor of the ladies in her Thursday Night Bridge Club, and in memory of her loved ones

Judy Brewer, in memory of Abel and Dora Oney

Virginia McLemore, in memory of Mrs. J.S. James

Elizabeth Whetzel, in memory of her parents, P.D. and Sarah Smith, her brother, Thomas, her uncle, Bobby, and her brother-in-law, Billy

Wendy and Bill Moore, in honor of their sons, Ry and Parker

Anonymous, in memory of Frank A. and Margaret L. Aiken

Anonymous, in honor of Aunt Mary, Cousin Me-Me and Cousin Paul

Anonymous, in memory of Page Mills

Anonymous, in memory of Jackee Thurman

Lynn and David Rice, in honor of Frank and Bill Price and Gladys McCormick, and in memory of Ralph McCormick, Libby and Bob Saul, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Bernard and Mr. and Mrs. Yewell Bernard

Employees of Thompson's Suits, in honor of Norma and Frank Thompson

JoAnne Poindexter, in honor of the Neighbors staff

Brandi Harrison, in honor of Dr. Stephen Kennedy and the nurses of the Cancer Center of Southwest Virginia

Earlean B. Underwood, in memory of her parents

Louise C. Obenchain

Angela Peery, in honor of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Price Mutter


SUBTOTAL $3,168.50

TOTAL AS OF 12/22/93 $66,894.44

 by CNB