Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, March 3, 1994                   TAG: 9403030088
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: C-6   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Virginia Tech football players George DelRicco and Tommy Edwards face a March 31 court date in Blacksburg on charges stemming from a weekend fight at a fraternity house in Blacksburg.

Edwards and DelRicco were arrested and released Sunday after witnesses told Blacksburg Police that the pair assaulted Tech students Michael Hartman and Michael W. Messina. Edwards is charged with malicious wounding and DelRicco with assault and battery.

Blacksburg Police Lt. Walter B. Mosby said Wednesday that officers responded to a call early Saturday morning. When they arrived, the fight had broken up.

Mosby, reading from the responding officers' report, said witnesses told the officers that "a group of individuals started a problem. They were asked to leave. They did so. Apparently a little while later they came back and a fight broke out."

The report states Edwards and DelRicco say they did not return to the fraternity house with the intention of starting a fight.

Edwards would not comment on the incident Wednesday. DelRicco could not be reached. Tech coach Frank Beamer said he's "gathering information" on the incident but will wait for the case to work its way through the court system "and take any action if we feel it's necessary at that time."

Marc Long, a Blacksburg lawyer who is representing Edwards and DelRicco, had no comment.

The police report said Hartman needed two stitches above his left eye and three staples in the back of his head after being "struck several times." Messina's injury was listed as a swollen nose.

Edwards, from Radford, was Tech's second-leading rusher in 1993 with 357 yards, and was second on the team with 10 touchdowns (a Tech freshman record). DelRicco was the team's second-leading tackler with 103 and had a team-high 11 stops behind the line of scrimmage.

 by CNB