Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: MONDAY, March 28, 1994 TAG: 9403300042 SECTION: NEWSFUN PAGE: NF-3 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
Humbert says she has found art an effective tool in both teaching children and getting them to open up and express themselves. "It's a great way to get children with limited vocabulary or who can't write to express themselves," she said.
Humbert, who has taught for five years, said a good teacher is one who treats children with respect. "You have to put yourself on their level and not feel it's demeaning to be there. I try to treat them as little people, not babies," she said.
"Mrs. Humbert speaks kindly and with enthusiasm and cares for each student," said her nominator.
Humbert said that although she majored in art, she always wanted to teach. She is married and enjoys photography and working outdoors in her spare time.