Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, September 12, 1994                   TAG: 9409160011
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-5   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: From staff reports
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Top-ranked Virginia opened its ACC schedule with a 4-2 victory over Maryland in men's soccer Sunday afternoon in Charlottesville.

Nate Friends, Billy Walsh, A.J. Wood and Damian Silvera scored the goals and Friends, Walsh and Silvera also had assists for the Cavaliers (3-1). Maryland is 2-1.

In other sports in the region:

In Statesboro, Ga., Radford goalie Chris Barrett and Georgia Southern goalie Tim Boarman were the stars as their men's soccer teams played to a scoreless tie. Each team had scoring opportunities, with the Highlanders (3-0-1) managing 19 shots and the Eagles (1-2-1) taking 14.

In Statesboro, Ga., Georgia Southern scored on four of its first six shots, then held on for a 5-3 victory over Radford in women's soccer. Debbie Hensley and Jodi Berto scored two goals apiece for the Eagles (2- 0). Radford is 2-1.

Mark Roberts, a former North Cross star, scored one goal and had one assist as Randolph-Macon defeated Caprini 2-0 in a men's soccer match at the Randolph-Macon Classic.

In Harrisonburg, ninth-ranked James Madison rolled past Virginia Tech 3-0 in the second round of the JMU/Sheraton Inn men's soccer tournament. Richmond blanked St.Bonaventure 4-0 in Sunday's first game.

Susan Sautter scored the lone goal as Ferrum defeated University of the South in women's soccer. Ferrum is 2-1; University of the South is 0-4. Danielle Giusto recorded the shutout.

The Roanoke Star Under-11 White boys' team won its division of the Region 2000 soccer tournament in Lynchburg. Tom Hagan led the way for the Star with nine goals, and Hunter Doyle also scored.

The Star Under-16 White boys' team also won its division. The team finished 3-1 and defeated Pulaski in the championship game. Tein Cao scored two goals and had an assist.

Zachery Bain scored eight goals to lead the Star Under-14 Green team as it finished second in its division.

The Star Under-10 boys' team finished second to Waynesboro in its division of the tournament. Robby Hoak and Danny Karbassiyoon led the Star offense with four goals apiece.

Andy Leffler was selected most valuable player as the Star Under-14 White boys won their division in the Bristol, Tenn., Pepsi/Arby's Autumn Chase Festival. The Star outscored its opponents 16-3 and defeated St.Giles of Greenville, S.C., 2-1 to win the championship.

The Star Under-16 White girls' team finished second in its division of the Bristol, Tenn., tournament. Roanoke was 2-1 and was led in scoring Margaret Hunter-Turner with five goals in three games., and Erin D'Allessandro added three goals.

 by CNB