Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, September 14, 1994                   TAG: 9409150011
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-4   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: From Associated Press reports
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


An attorney representing Deion Sanders entered written pleas of innocent Tuesday in Cincinnati to a felony charge and two misdemeanor charges stemming from a confrontation with an off-duty police officer.

The Cincinnati Reds center fielder was not required to appear at an arraignment before Judge William Mallory Jr. in Hamilton County Municipal Court. Instead, attorney James Keys Jr. entered written pleas of innocent to a felony charge of failure to obey a police officer's order and two misdemeanor charges of leaving the scene of an accident.

A pretrial hearing was set for Oct.12.

A separate pretrial hearing on two other misdemeanor charges was scheduled for Tuesday before Judge David Davis. But Sanders was granted a continuance until Oct.12 on charges of driving without a license and resisting arrest.

All five charges stem from an alleged scuffle, which police said started when Sanders tried to drive his motor scooter through a restricted gate after an Aug.8 game at Riverfront Stadium.

Police specialist Herb Kohus, 52, who was working on a stadium security detail, said Sanders refused an order to produce his driver's license, then dragged him 30 to 40 feet after Kohus tried to turn off Sanders' scooter.

Sanders initially was charged with driving without a license and resisting arrest. On Friday, police filed the felony charge and two more misdemeanors, saying Kohus, a 28-year police officer, still was off-duty recovering from his injuries.


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