Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, September 21, 1994                   TAG: 9409230071
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: NEW YORK                                LENGTH: Medium


USAir was trying to milk more use out of the engines on ill-fated Flight 427 by running them on shorter flights rather than giving them an overhaul, a source familiar with the airline's maintenance said Tuesday.

USAir got FAA approval to adopt the practice in February, part of a broader cost-cutting effort. The Sept. 8 crash came as the plane approached Pittsburgh. All 132 people aboard died.

By using the older engines solely on short flights instead of more taxing long trips, USAir aimed to save $1 million per plane and gain an extra two years before an overhaul. The airline is trying to cut annual overhead by $1 billion.

In a statement released late Tuesday evening, USAir said cost savings were not the main reason for making the change, but rather the airline was trying to adjust its fleet to reduce the number of long flights and fly more short trips.

The practice of giving older jets less stressful flights was reported in February by Aerospace Propulsion, an industry newsletter. Barron's this week reported the engines on Flight 427 were part of the program.

USAir spokeswoman Andrea Butler wasn't able to confirm whether the engines on the 737-300 that crashed had been switched to shorter routes to avoid an overhaul. Of more than 100 737-300 jets USAir operates, 28 were covered by the program.

On short flights, less thrust is needed because the planes aren't weighed down with as much fuel. The lower thrust rate means the engines don't run as hot and don't need to be refurbished as often.

The cause of Flight 427's crash remains a mystery. Investigators haven't ruled out any potential cause, but have given less emphasis to earlier suspicions that there were problems with the 737-300's right engine.

National Transportation Safety Board spokesman Ted Lopatkiewitcz said of the engines: ``No mechanical problems were detected.''


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