Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, September 29, 1994                   TAG: 9409290048
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: B-8   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Truck-parts plant to open in Salem

Masco-Tech, a division of Taylor, Mich.-based Masco Industries, will open a plant in Salem to assemble engines and axles for use in trucks made by Volvo GM Heavy Truck Corp. in Dublin, a Volvo GM official confirmed Wednesday.

Jeff Walke, acting president of United Auto Workers Local 2069, said several Masco-Tech trainers arrived at the Volvo GM plant this week to learn the basics of putting together the production lines.

Masco-Tech officials could not be reached for comment Wednesday, but Frank Adams, executive vice president for industrial operations at Volvo GM's corporate headquarters in Greensboro, N.C., confirmed that the deal had been worked out.

It was not known how many jobs Masco-Tech would bring to Salem, but a Volvo GM official said about 80 employees on the engine and axle lines would be reassigned to other jobs when Volvo GM contracts the production work to other companies and suppliers. The company is moving some work outside the plant so it can make room for the increased numbers of trucks it plans to produce after its $200 million expansion is complete.

- Staff report

Briefly ...

Lowe's Cos. Inc., North Wilkesboro, N.C.-based chain of home center stores, said it has begun construction of a garden center addition to its store at Towne Square shopping center in Northwest Roanoke. The addition, to be completed by early 1995, will include a 6,000-square-foot enclosed greenhouse, part of 14,000 square feet of the store's gardening center department.

Brad Ragan Inc., Charlotte, N.C., tire retreader and retailer with operations in Roanoke, said Wednesday it has acquired Schultz's Inc., an off-the-road tire retreading and repair facility in Delano, Pa., that will expand Brad Ragan's retreading and repair capacity about 25 percent. Terms of the purchase were not disclosed.

NationsBank Corp., based in Charlotte, N.C., said Wednesday its board has authorized the company to buy up to 20 million shares of its common stock from time to time in the open market or private transactions.

 by CNB