Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, January 20, 1994                   TAG: 9401200041
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-3   EDITION: STATE 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Allen, Terry ended race with money in the bank

RICHMOND - With the help of postelection donations, both Republican Gov. George Allen and his Democratic opponent, Mary Sue Terry, ended the governor's campaign in the black.

Allen wound up with $7,352.82 in his campaign account, and Terry closed with about $4,500, according to reports filed with the state Board of Elections.

Allen raised about $5.6 million. An Allen spokesman said the campaign had not decided what to do with the leftover money.

Terry, who early in the campaign had a huge fund-raising lead, raised and spent about $1 million more - about $6.5 million. Her leftover funds were transferred to another account in the event other bills show up.

The reports were for Nov. 26 to Dec. 31, when the campaign accounts were being closed. - Associated Press

\ Former teacher seeks 20 more student poets

VIRGINIA BEACH - A former poetry teacher in the Virginia Beach public schools says he's still searching for about 20 students whose verse he wants to publish.

A New York publisher has agreed to publish a collection of poems by the children Sandford Lyne taught. "Ten Second Rain Showers" will be an illustrated book and is expected to be sold in bookstores nationwide.

The publisher's lawyers require individual permission from each student selected for the anthology. Some of the poems date to 1983.

Lyne, 48, was part of the Poets in Schools program, which brought professional poets into Virginia Beach classrooms. At the end of each year, the students' poems were collected into an anthology. The program ended in 1991 when school administrators cut its $40,000 annual budget. - Associated Press


Memo: shorter version ran in the Metro edition.

by CNB