Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, January 25, 1994                   TAG: 9401250059
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: B-8   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Roanoke gets more comers than goers

Washington, D.C., was the largest source of people moving to Roanoke and also the top destination of people moving out of Roanoke in 1993.

The study by Ryder, the nation's largest truck rental and leasing company, indicated that Roanoke is a net inbound city, meaning more people moved in than moved out.

The company said Richmond and Norfolk ranked second and third for both inbound and outbound movers.

For those coming to Roanoke, New York and Greensboro were the fourth- and fifth-ranked origination point. Charlotte and Raleigh were the fourth- and fifth-ranked destinations. - Staff report

Briefly . . .

The Holcomb Group of Roanoke is providing project management services for expansion and renovation of the Danville Regional Medical Center. The $30 million project includes construction of an outpatient tower, a medical office building, a parking garage and renovation of the existing facility.

Telephone customers in Central and Eastern Virginia will have to dial "804" when placing long-distance calls to other customers in the same area code starting May 18, Bell Atlantic said Monday. Customers now dial "1" plus the seven-digit phone number to make those calls. The 804 area code stretches from Port Royal and Bowling Green south to the North Carolina border, and from Lynchburg and Danville east to Onancock on the Eastern Shore.

Richmond-based Reynolds Metals Co. has named Jeremiah Sheehan president and chief operating officer and Randolph Reynolds a vice chairman. Sheehan, 55 was an executive vice president for fabricated products. Reynolds, 52, grandson of the company's founder and a previous board member, was executive vice president-international.

 by CNB