Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: THURSDAY, April 7, 1994 TAG: 9404070010 SECTION: BUSINESS PAGE: B-7 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
March sales rose 32 percent, to $346.7 million from $263.2 million in March 1993. Comparable-store sales increased 14 percent.
Net earnings for the year rose 20 percent, to $132.4 million from $110.3 million in fiscal 1993. Net earnings per share rose 18 percent, to $1.36 from $1.15. Sales increased 26 percent, to $4.13 billion from $3.27 billion. Comparable-store sales rose 8 percent.
Fourth-quarter net earnings increased 11 percent, to $67.7 million from $60.8 million. Earnings per share also rose 11 percent, to 70 cents from 63 cents. Sales rose 28 percent, to $1.41 billion from $1.10 billion. Comparable-store sales increased 9 percent.