Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: THURSDAY, April 14, 1994 TAG: 9404140030 SECTION: EXTRA PAGE: 5 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Medium
Hattie Fishburne, an adjunct professor at the College of New Rochelle, says she makes a mere $600 a month and is six months behind on her rent. "I just thought he'd come around, that he was having an extended stint of adolescence," she said of her son.
The 32-year-old actor declined to comment through his spokeswoman, The New York Daily News said.
The Branson, Mo.- dinner theater might be called the Wayne Newton Theatre, but that doesn't mean he'll be performing there this summer.
The owners said they terminated Newton's contract last week in a dispute with his management. Details were not provided.
The singer filed a $5 million lawsuit in February accusing the owners, Shenandoah South Inc., of mismanagement last season. He said his reputation had been tarnished by his association with the theater.
Newton said in a statement Monday that he was prepared to appear at the theater later this month.
"It is amazing to me that they accuse me of breaching our contract simply because I have asked a court to make them live up to the promises they made in that very same document," Newton said.
You could call it a show-stopper. Dan Hicks' concert in Newport, Ore., was cut short when he walked to the front of the stage and exposed himself.
Police weighed charges against the 52-year-old performer, who built his reputation in the 1970s with the swing band Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks.
Hicks' agent, Geoffrey Blumenauer, said he could only assume that Hicks had started drinking again after being sober for years.
"I can only connect the incident to drinking - to falling off the wagon," he said.
Hicks, who lives in San Francisco, is known for songs such as "Where's the Money," "I Scare Myself" and "Canned Music."