Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, April 14, 1994                   TAG: 9404140319
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: C-1   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Nancy Reichardt
DATELINE: NEW YORK                                LENGTH: Medium


The news from the 21st Annual Daytime Emmy nominations, announced last month, was that Susan Lucci (Erica Kane, ``All My Children'') did not get a 15th nomination. She will, though, get to host the awards again. The ceremonies air May 25 on ABC.

Potential nominees are voted on by their peers. The actors and shows put together reels of their best work. An actor with only a few good days, or a weak show with some strong episodes, can receive a bid that does not reflect a body of work.

Most of the nominations do reflect outstanding work. Listed below are the major soap nominees, followed by our comments on overall merit. (*denotes the ``Tune In Tomorrow'' choice for winner.)

Best lead actress

Julia Barr (Brooke English Martin, ``All My Children''): great work with great material. Linda Dano (Felicia Gallant, ``Another World''): really belongs in the Supporting Actress category, but did fine work nonetheless. Kathleen Widdoes (Emma Snyder, ``As the World Turns''): definitely a Supporting Actress role - no magic. Fiona Hutchison (Jenna Thorpe, ``Guiding Light''): a constant delight. Hillary B. Smith *(Nora Gannon, ``One Life to Live''): wonderful, gutsy work.

Best lead actor

Charles Keating *(Carl Hutchins, ``AW''): every scene of his was a gem. Peter Simon *(Ed Bauer, ``GL''): quietly heartwrenching performances. Michael Zaslow (Roger Thorpe, ``GL''): always wonderful. Robert S. Woods (Bo Buchanan, ``OLTL''): fine, comic touch. Peter Bergman (Jack Abbott, ``The Young and the Restless''): not much to do this year. (We have a tough choice in this category, resulting in a tie - both Keating and Simon were great.)

Best supporting actress

Sharon Wyatt (Tiffany Hill Donely, ``General Hospital''): had some good work. Hilary Edson (Eve Guthrie, ``GL''): Dr. Demento and her evil eye. Maureen Garrett *(Holly Lindsay, ``GL''): fascinating, quiet style. Susan Haskell (Marty Saybrooke, ``OLTL''): always delivers. Signy Coleman (Hope Adams, ``Y&R''): keeps St. Hope interesting.

Best supporting actor

Patrick Tovatt (Cal Stricklyn, ``ATWT''): talented but not special. Ian Buchanan (James Warwick, ``The Bold and the Beautiful''): not a lot of depth or emotion here. Justin Deas * (Buzz Cooper, ``GL''): belongs in the Lead Actor category, can do no wrong in any of his performances. Jerry ver Dorn (Ross Marler, ``GL''): has come into his own. Thom Christopher (Dante Partou/Joe Young, ``Loving''): a true original.

Younger leading actress

Sarah Michelle Geller *(Kendall Hart, ``AMC''): Erica in training. Martha Byrne (Lily Grimaldi, ``ATWT''): too old for category, semitalented. Melissa Hayden (Bridget Cooper, ``GL''): you love her or hate her. Melina Kanakaredes (Eleni Cooper, ``GL''): always a pleasure to watch. Heather Tom (Victoria Newman, ``Y&R''): flat, whiny, but won last year. Although neither was nominated, Rachel Miner (Michelle Bauer, ``GL'') did the finest work in this category and Alicia Coppola (Lorna Devon, ``AW'') also was amazing.

Younger leading man

Dondre T. Whitfeld (Terrence Frye, ``AMC''): some powerful work. Scott DeFreitas (Andy Dixon, ``ATWT''): always in this category, not a winner this year. Bryan Buffinton (Bill Lewis, ``GL''): decent work but little to do. Monti Sharp (David Grant, ``GL''): talented, won last year. Roger Howarth *(Todd Manning, ``OLTL''): creepy and fascinating.

Best writing

``Another World'' *Carl/Rachel/Cory Publishing story most fascinating, all-encompassing story of the year. ``Days of Our Lives'': not even one episode qualifies as best of anything. ``One Life to Live'': some truly fine work. ``The Young and the Restless'': some strong stories this year.


``All My Children'' *almost all stories were powerful and worked well. ``As the World Turns'': the show is in transition since the death of head writer Douglas Marland. ``Guiding Light'': wonderful much of the time; some rough spots. ``The Young and the Restless'': many good stories but often sacrifices character integrity for plot.

Send your questions about soap operas to Nancy Reichardt, ``Tune in Tomorrow,'' in care of the Roanoke Times & World-News, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke 24010-2491. Questions cannot be answered personally, but those of general interest will be answered in future columns.

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