Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: THURSDAY, April 14, 1994 TAG: 9404140319 SECTION: EXTRA PAGE: C-1 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: Nancy Reichardt DATELINE: NEW YORK LENGTH: Medium
Potential nominees are voted on by their peers. The actors and shows put together reels of their best work. An actor with only a few good days, or a weak show with some strong episodes, can receive a bid that does not reflect a body of work.
Most of the nominations do reflect outstanding work. Listed below are the major soap nominees, followed by our comments on overall merit. (*denotes the ``Tune In Tomorrow'' choice for winner.)
Best lead actress
Julia Barr (Brooke English Martin, ``All My Children''): great work with great material. Linda Dano (Felicia Gallant, ``Another World''): really belongs in the Supporting Actress category, but did fine work nonetheless. Kathleen Widdoes (Emma Snyder, ``As the World Turns''): definitely a Supporting Actress role - no magic. Fiona Hutchison (Jenna Thorpe, ``Guiding Light''): a constant delight. Hillary B. Smith *(Nora Gannon, ``One Life to Live''): wonderful, gutsy work.
Best lead actor
Charles Keating *(Carl Hutchins, ``AW''): every scene of his was a gem. Peter Simon *(Ed Bauer, ``GL''): quietly heartwrenching performances. Michael Zaslow (Roger Thorpe, ``GL''): always wonderful. Robert S. Woods (Bo Buchanan, ``OLTL''): fine, comic touch. Peter Bergman (Jack Abbott, ``The Young and the Restless''): not much to do this year. (We have a tough choice in this category, resulting in a tie - both Keating and Simon were great.)
Best supporting actress
Sharon Wyatt (Tiffany Hill Donely, ``General Hospital''): had some good work. Hilary Edson (Eve Guthrie, ``GL''): Dr. Demento and her evil eye. Maureen Garrett *(Holly Lindsay, ``GL''): fascinating, quiet style. Susan Haskell (Marty Saybrooke, ``OLTL''): always delivers. Signy Coleman (Hope Adams, ``Y&R''): keeps St. Hope interesting.
Best supporting actor
Patrick Tovatt (Cal Stricklyn, ``ATWT''): talented but not special. Ian Buchanan (James Warwick, ``The Bold and the Beautiful''): not a lot of depth or emotion here. Justin Deas * (Buzz Cooper, ``GL''): belongs in the Lead Actor category, can do no wrong in any of his performances. Jerry ver Dorn (Ross Marler, ``GL''): has come into his own. Thom Christopher (Dante Partou/Joe Young, ``Loving''): a true original.
Younger leading actress
Sarah Michelle Geller *(Kendall Hart, ``AMC''): Erica in training. Martha Byrne (Lily Grimaldi, ``ATWT''): too old for category, semitalented. Melissa Hayden (Bridget Cooper, ``GL''): you love her or hate her. Melina Kanakaredes (Eleni Cooper, ``GL''): always a pleasure to watch. Heather Tom (Victoria Newman, ``Y&R''): flat, whiny, but won last year. Although neither was nominated, Rachel Miner (Michelle Bauer, ``GL'') did the finest work in this category and Alicia Coppola (Lorna Devon, ``AW'') also was amazing.
Younger leading man
Dondre T. Whitfeld (Terrence Frye, ``AMC''): some powerful work. Scott DeFreitas (Andy Dixon, ``ATWT''): always in this category, not a winner this year. Bryan Buffinton (Bill Lewis, ``GL''): decent work but little to do. Monti Sharp (David Grant, ``GL''): talented, won last year. Roger Howarth *(Todd Manning, ``OLTL''): creepy and fascinating.
Best writing
``Another World'' *Carl/Rachel/Cory Publishing story most fascinating, all-encompassing story of the year. ``Days of Our Lives'': not even one episode qualifies as best of anything. ``One Life to Live'': some truly fine work. ``The Young and the Restless'': some strong stories this year.
``All My Children'' *almost all stories were powerful and worked well. ``As the World Turns'': the show is in transition since the death of head writer Douglas Marland. ``Guiding Light'': wonderful much of the time; some rough spots. ``The Young and the Restless'': many good stories but often sacrifices character integrity for plot.
Send your questions about soap operas to Nancy Reichardt, ``Tune in Tomorrow,'' in care of the Roanoke Times & World-News, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke 24010-2491. Questions cannot be answered personally, but those of general interest will be answered in future columns.
|United Feature Syndicate