Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: WEDNESDAY, April 20, 1994 TAG: 9404200083 SECTION: EXTRA PAGE: EXTRA-5 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: MATT CHITTUM Staff Writer DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
So did the newly named ``heart of communication'' have its head somewhere else when the new Roanoke area phone books came out with C&P Telephone splattered boldly across the top of the cover?
``Good question,'' said Don Reid, area manager for C&P - er, Bell Atlantic. ``Ask me your next question.''
The answer finally came, almost simultaneously from Reid and Bell Atlantic spokesman Paul Miller: Rather than making the name change all at once, on everything from buildings to business cards, the company opted to make changes gradually, as opportunities presented themselves.
``A flash cut change is very expensive,'' Miller said. ``Our customers would have paid the cost if we had changed everything at once.''
Phone book covers are designed well in advance of publication, Miller said, and new phone books are introduced cyclically in Virginia. Phone books with Bell Atlantic on the cover probably won't appear until July, in the Hampton Roads area, he said.
Reid isn't concerned about the delay, since Bell Atlantic and C&P have been closely associated in the past.|