Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, April 26, 1994                   TAG: 9404260142
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: C-9   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


DuPont Co.

DuPont Co., Wilmington, Del., chemicals and fibers maker with a nylon plant in Martinsville, on Monday reported first-quarter net income of $642 million, or 94 cents per share, compared with $493 million, or 73 cents per share, earned in the first quarter of 1993. Sales totaled $9.2 billion, up $120 million or 1 percent over year-earlier totals.

Home Shopping Network

Home Shopping Network Inc., a St. Petersburg, Fla., television retailer with warehouse and distribution facilities in Salem, reported first-quarter sales were $274.2 million, up 14.5 percent over $239.4 million a year earlier. Net earnings were $6.7 million, or 7 cents per share, compared with a year-ago loss of $23.8 million, or 27 cents per share.

LADD Furniture

LADD Furniture Inc., High Point, N.C., parent of American of Martinsville, reported net earnings of $1.7 million, or 7 cents per share, in its first quarter ended April 2, down from $1.8 million, or 8 cents per share, a year earlier. Sales were $139 million, up from $136.1 million in the 1993 quarter.

Cooper Industries

Cooper Industries Inc., Houston parent of the Crouse-Hinds electrical products plant in Roanoke, reported first-quarter net income of $48.4 million, down 23 percent from $63.1 million a year earlier. Revenues were $1.32 billion compared with $1.47 billion. Per share earnings fell to 31 cents from 44 cents in 1993.

Uni-Marts Inc.

Uni-Marts Inc., State College, Pa.-based convenience-store chain with outlets in the Roanoke Valley, reported net earnings of $468,948 in its second quarter ended March 31, up 56 percent over $300,142 in the 1993 fiscal quarter. Per-share earnings rose to 7 cents over the year-earlier 5 cents. Revenues were $76.6 million, down 2 percent from $78.3 million.

 by CNB