Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, April 30, 1994                   TAG: 9405020168
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Charlsie Pafford will give up her seat on the Roanoke County School Board because, she says, she has other things she wants to do.

Pafford, who has been on the board 12 years, said Friday she will not be a candidate in November when county voters elect board members for the first time.

She represents the Windsor Hills magisterial district in Southwest Roanoke County.

Meanwhile, Jerry Canada, who represents the Hollins District, said he will run in November to keep his seat.

Canada, who has been on the board two years, said he can be a productive board member because of his knowledge of the school system.

Pafford will serve until December, when the newly elected member from Windsor Hills takes office. She said she decided to announce her decision now so potential candidates can make their decisions.

When Pafford was reappointed in 1990, she said she wanted to serve only one more term, until a new superintendent was named. The board chose Deanna Gordon in February to succeed Bayes Wilson as superintendent.

The filing deadline for board candidates is Aug.26. To get on the ballot, candidates must file a petition signed by 125 registered voters.

There is already one candidate for the Windsor Hills seat - Raymond Denney, a quality control reviewer for the state Department of Social Services.

The county will switch to an elected board for the first time in November because voters approved the move last year.

Hollins, Vinton and Windsor Hills districts will elect their board members this year.

Barbara "Bootie" Chewning, the Vinton district representative, said she hasn't decided whether she will run.

Evelyn Ball, a parent-teacher association leader, has announced that she will be a candidate for the Vinton District seat.

The seats of Chairman Frank Thomas of Catawba and Maurice "Buck" Mitchell of Cave Spring will be up for election in November 1995

 by CNB