Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: FRIDAY, July 1, 1994 TAG: 9407010066 SECTION: CURRENT PAGE: NRV15 EDITION: NEW RIVER VALLEY SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Medium
KEOKUK, Iowa. - Darrell Mann - the 51-year-old grandfather from Peterstown, W.Va. who's running across the U.S. - has made it across the Mississippi River. The former Radford Army Ammunition Plant employee set out May 2 from Delaware bound for Portland, Ore.
Mann's "Run Across America" is to emphasize the plight of the unemployed and uninsured like himself. He also promotes the value of physical fitness by speaking to church groups, clubs and individuals along the way.
Mann reported Thursday that hot weather in Indiana and Illinois has yielded to cooler conditions but strong headwinds as he jogs through miles of farm country in the nation's heartland.
"'Course, when you pass one of these pig farms, you need the wind," he quipped.
Media coverage has led to financial support from the Rev. David DuBois, an entrepreneurial Roman Catholic priest from Texas who runs several ventures to benefit charity. "He thought it would be great for a Catholic to support a Mormon," said Mann, a regional Mormon church official. Nike has been providing him with running shoes and clothing for the trek.
His wife, Sue, and two of his six children, are following along in the family's aging Volkswagen bus, which hasn't been running as well as he has, he said.
Honoring veterans
PULASKI - On July 4, radio station WPUV (1580 AM) will honor those from Southwest Virginia who gave their lives in battle.
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1184 will conduct a ceremony in their memory at the station, 1180 Dora Highway. The commemoration will include raising a flag that has flown over the White House, a 21-gun salute, Taps and a full color guard.
A free lunch follows, and Second Chance will sing.
Call 980-7000 for more information
Grant for NRCC
DUBLIN - Virginia's State Council for Higher Education has given New River Community College a $7,100 grant to aid in the college's recruitment and retention of minority students.
The grant was awarded under the 1994 Virginia Student Recruitment and Retention Program. The program encourages more minority students to attend college and fosters success in college-level studies.
by CNB