Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, July 6, 1994                   TAG: 9407060045
DATELINE: BLACKSBURG                                LENGTH: Medium


More than 40 vehicles, walking units, giant insects and floats made their way through downtown Blacksburg during the eighth annual Fourth of July Parade.

Dick Schmidt, National President of Ruritan, from Lewisburg, W.Va., was grand marshal for the event, which was organized by the Mount Tabor Ruritan Club.

This year's theme was "Celebrate Education".

Trophies were presented to the riders and horses from Thundercroft Farm for "Best Overall Unit," the Sierra Club for "Best Theme Representation," and to Boy Scout Troop 44 for "Best Youth Unit."

Special First Place blue ribbon awards were presented to Boy Scout Troop and Pack 702 from Prices Fork, the Steve Fast for Congress Campaign, the Harvest Baptist Church Vacation Bible School, Rocking Horse Stables, Smithfield Plantation, the Coalition for Family Planning, the Virginia Tech Department of Entomology, the Montgomery County Farm Bureau, the Sam Kittinger Family 1938 Dodge, the Dewain & Joyce Smith Family 1931 Ford Sports Coupe, and the Christiansburg and Blacksburg fire departments.

Movie passes

CHRISTIANSBURG - The Montgomery-Floyd Regional Library and the New River Valley Movie 8 theater are giving a free movie pass to all young adults in the Montgomery-Floyd Regional Library's summer reading program.

The movie will be shown July 14 at 10 a.m. at New River Valley Mall movie theater.

Summer reading program participants can pick up movie passes at their local branch library or bookmobile.

Call 382-6966 for more details.

Power outage

FAIRLAWN - Equipment failure at an Appalachian Power Company substation near Dublin caused a power outage early Monday evening that affected customers in Fairlawn, Belspring and Parrott, a power company spokesman said.

Line Superintendent Mike Wilson said a piece of protective equipment at the Morgan's Cut substation failed unexpectedly. Wilson said the failure was not related to the 90-degree weather over the holiday weekend.

The power was out for just over one hour. Wilson said he did not know how many customers were affected.

 by CNB