Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: FRIDAY, July 8, 1994 TAG: 9407110192 SECTION: NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL PAGE: A2 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: Knight-Ridder Newspapers DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
But troubles are surfacing for the method, which involves implanting six hormone-releasing capsules into the upper arm.
Increasingly, doctors and contraceptive experts are complaining that once women decide they no longer want the method, the Norplant capsules can prove exceedingly difficult to take out.
Last month, 200-some Norplant users became part of a class-action suit filed against Wyeth-Ayerst. Represented by a Chicago attorney, the women said they suffered scarring and severe pain when doctors attempted to remove their matchstick-sized Norplant capsules.
In a statement issued this week, Wyeth-Ayerst said it will contest an Illinois state court's certification of the lawsuit as a class action.
by CNB