Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, July 15, 1994                   TAG: 9407190020
SOURCE: Joe Kennedy
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


SPIRITED DANCE: More than 100 American Indian dancers from more than 20 tribes across the country will compete for $5,000 in prize money at a powwow Saturday and Sunday at the Sedalia Center near Big Island.

The event, staged by the Monacan Tribe of Virginia, drew more than 15,000 people last year.

Four drums - a drum is an instrument plus the people who play it and sing - will accompany the Longhair Singers from Cherokee, N.C., the Big Stone Singer from Ontario, the Hard Rock Singers Intertribal Drum from Washington and the Arawak Mountain Singers from New York.

Thirty craftspeople will show and sell their paintings, carvings, knives, jewelry and other crafts. Six tipis will be set up as an example of an 1860 Sioux village, and lectures will be presented on American Indian spirituality, politics and living. A variety of foods also will be available.

The powwow will be Saturday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission is $5 for adults and $3 for children, with those age 5 and under admitted free.

For information, call (804) 299-5080.

ROCK ON: Valleypointe After Hours continues at Valleypointe corporate center in Roanoke with The Entertainers on Thursday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Tonight from 6 to 8:30 in Wytheville's Elizabeth Brown Memorial Park, Maurice Williams and the Zodiacs will perform at the Wytheville Weekend Warmup.

What do these events have in common? They occur weekly during the summer, and proceeds from both benefit the Easter Seal Society of Virginia.

BLURRING BOUNDARIES: That's what Freyda and Acoustic AttaTude do with their string music. You'll see Sunday night at 8 in the Bowl at Lime Kiln Arts near Lexington. The group will share the bill with Rockbridge County's Leslie Tucker. Tickets are $9 and $7. Call 463-3074.

Meanwhile, at the Kiln, preparations are under way for the opening of Shakespeare's ``Romeo and Juliet,'' set in no specific time period and featuring a variety of music. Preview performances will be Wednesday and Thursday nights at 8, with the opening on July 22. The show will run Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8 through Aug. 13. Tickets range from $6 to $13.

HAPPY SOUNDS: The Riverboat Ramblers will play an outdoor concert of Dixieland music tonight from 6 to 7:30 at the Henderson Hall lawn of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg. It's part of the Summer Arts Festival '94, and it's free. Call 231-5200 for 231-5921 for details.

NEW BAG: The Brown Bag Arts lunchtime performance series continues at Crestar Plaza in downtown Roanoke today from 12:15 to 1 p.m. Brass 5 will play today. On July 22 look for folkies Pole, Trafidlo and Phillips; on July 29, it will be the Roanoke Acoustic Wonders; Aug. 5, Bad Poetry in Motion, with juggling and foolishness; Aug. 12, jazz and blues from Rare Bird; Aug. 19, the Star City Gospel Music Workshop Association; and beach tunes from Key West on Aug. 26. Admission is free.

SUMMER IN THE CITY: Mill Mountain Zoo will have a Family Picnic Night on Wednesday from 6 to 9. Families may bring their picnic dinners to the zoo or to Mill Mountain Park in Roanoke, and the snack bar will be open. Admission is $1.75. Call 343-3241 or Infoline at 981-0100, ext. 7829.

OUTSIDE: The Hungry Mother Arts and Crafts Festival will be today through Sunday at Hungry Mother State Park in Marion. It's an informal gathering with traditional and contemporary arts and crafts, folk and choral music, clogging and other entertainment and children's activities.

Exhibits will be open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For info, call 783-3161.

HEAVENLY: The Garth Newel Chamber Players are having their summer series of concerts near Warm Springs. The program Saturday afternoon at 4 will feature works by Persichetti, Beethoven and Mendelssohn. Sunday at 3, you can hear works from Mozart, Prokofiev, Stravinsky and Beethoven. Call 839-5018.

 by CNB