Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, July 22, 1994                   TAG: 9407260050
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


In the game of politics, President Bill Clinton played it safe and appointed Lloyd Bentsen as Secretary of the Treasury to pick up a half-million Dukakis votes.

Then he fumbled when he tossed out Ronald Reagan's ruling on air-traffic controllers - and lost the half-million.

Not to be undone, though, he did something wonderfully clever in sending Al Gore to do stand-up on David Letterman's ``Late Show.'' This rounded up a cool 1 million votes, which were lost when 50 new White House lawyers were hired.

Granted, it sounds real-life, but it really is a game - a board game called Wafflin' Willy by Right Angle Inc. (Get it?)

The object of Wafflin' Willy is to waffle, uh, run through your presidency - in blue, red, green or purple running shorts - hanging on to your 30 million votes. All the while, you run from The Past, which, if it catches you, sends you to the ``pollen-free environment of your choice.'' (That means you lose.)

Granted, the waffles are stacked against you, with 12 win spaces on the board vs. 26 losers. But, completing the game is possible, if you're slick and Congress can bail you out.

Winning the game, though is another matter. While you may finish, it appears you still lose - having been chased up the side of the Washington Monument, clinging to Hillary for dear life.

To waffle your way through Washington, call Right Angle at (413) 586-4694.

 by CNB