Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: SATURDAY, July 23, 1994 TAG: 9407250046 SECTION: CURRENT PAGE: NRV-2 EDITION: NEW RIVER VALLEY SOURCE: By PAUL DELLINGER STAFF WRITER DATELINE: DUBLIN LENGTH: Medium
The county will see an influx of subcontractors at plants like Volvo-GM who will be carrying out expansions and other work, and who will be living in the county or nearby counties for up to two years while their projects are under way.
John Stone, manager of the Dublin Comfort Inn, said 75 people representing various subcontractor companies had stayed at the motel in just the last two months.
Even before joining the council this month, Stone suggested appointing an economic development committee to make recommendations not only for Pulaski's downtown revitalization but the entire community.
Other members of Town Council agreed it was a good idea, and promptly named Stone as the committee's chairman.
Stone recruited 30 participants from local governing bodies, the downtown business community, and other businesses and industries. They have held three meetings so far, and plan several more before making a report.
Karen Graham, owner of the Somethin' Fishy pet shop in Pulaski, recalled serving on a hospital committee when that facility was courting new doctors. She said a similar effort is needed to acquaint newcomers like the contractors with area recreation and housing and present them with a positive view of the county.
The group also discussed community assets and liabilities, as rated by votes from committee members.
The top assets were: a safe community; an emphasis on education and a strong work ethic and work force; a good location; an existing industrial base; and a focus on return on investments.
The liabilities were: a negative perception of the town by some and resistance to change; a need for more communication with town government; a lack of housing selection; unemployment; and a lack of downtown parking.
``I feel our group has done a good job on these and our plan is starting to take shape,'' Stone told the group. ``I think you would agree with me that our plan must firstly be very pragmatic and accomplishable.''
by CNB