Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, July 23, 1994                   TAG: 9407260009
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: A6   EDITION: METRO  
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


USAir unions may seek ownership

WASHINGTON - USAir's unions may seek part ownership of the struggling airline in return for the $2.5 billion in concessions the company is seeking from them, a published report said Friday.

The Air Line Pilots Association is working with at least two other unions in designing a response to USAir's plan to cut $1 billion a year from its expenses by 1997, the Wall Street Journal reported.

David Shipley, a spokesman for Arlington, Va.-based USAir, said the company had not received overtures from any of its four unions about an exchange of equity for concessions and had no comment.

But the Journal said ALPA was working with the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers and the Association of Flight Attendants in developing the plan.

-Associated Press

\ SCC staff wants wider power probe

RICHMOND - State Corporation Commission staff members want to broaden their investigation of the conflict between Dominion Resources Inc. and subsidiary Virginia Power to see if the utility overpaid on a shipping contract.

Virginia Power has said it was pressured by Dominion Resources' then-chief executive officer, Thomas E. Capps, to speed up the renegotiation of a contract with CSX Transportation to move coal to power plants. Virginia Power said it cost rate-payers millions.

The SCC staff said the allegations could bear on the relationship between Virginia Power and Dominion Resources, which is under investigation because of an escalating power struggle over management of the companies.

The utility said Capps, now chairman of Dominion Resources, had a personal and professional relationship with John W. Snow, head of CSX Corp., Richmond-based parent of the railroad company.

-Associated Press

 by CNB