Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, October 21, 1994                   TAG: 9410210056
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


More teens using drugs, survey says

WASHINGTON - Teen-age use of marijuana and other illegal drugs increased significantly last school year, a drug prevention group said Thursday.

The number of high school students using marijuana at least once a month during the 1993-94 academic year increased from 11.3 percent to 15.6 percent, said a survey by the National Parents' Resource Institution for Drug Education - or Pride.

Among junior high students, it climbed from 3.3 percent to 4.9 percent.

The number of high school students using the drug at least once during the school year jumped from 19 percent to 24.6 percent.

- Associated Press

$8.8 million won in Tylenol claim

WASHINGTON - A federal court jury awarded more than $8.8 million Thursday to a former White House official who contended his liver was destroyed by the widely used pain-reliever Tylenol.

Anthony Benedi, 39, of Springfield, Va., a former special assistant to President Bush, was awarded $7.855 million in actual damages and $1 million in punitive damages in U.S. District Court in Alexandra.

Jeff Leebar, a spokesman for Johnson & Johnson, parent company of Tylenol manufacturer McNeil Consumer Products Co., said the verdict would be appealed.

In his suit, Benedi said he was in good health until February 1993, when he began taking Tylenol Extra Strength to treat the flu. After taking the recommended doses for several days, Benedi said he went into a coma and was hospitalized. Doctors found that his liver had failed, and he received a liver transplant Feb. 12, 1993.

- Associated Press

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