Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: SUNDAY, October 30, 1994 TAG: 9410310012 SECTION: CURRENT PAGE: NRV-2 EDITION: NEW RIVER VALLEY SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Long
Lewis J. Collins
Barren Springs
Liberals don't know liberty
Many Americans no longer seem to know or understand what liberty is and why it is so very important. If corrections aren't soon made, they will wake up to find their guaranteed liberties usurped by oppressive government.
This country has slid down the slippery slope in the 40 years Democrats - many liberal - have controlled Congress. There is no hope with liberals - Clinton, Robb and Boucher. They think spending is the best solution to all problems.
God has been evicted from our society! Who did it? Liberals of course!
The best hope is to elect North, Fast and others who believe in constitutional rights and liberty.
Harold E. Dudley
A present from California
Isn't it nice of California to buy us a senator? I'm certain that Ollie will be a very effective congressional spokesman for the venom that flows from the foul-well in Lynchburg.
Richard Arndt
Honoring Griffith good idea
I was pleased to hear that a proposal has been made to name the new recreational park in Christiansburg - "Terry Griffith Memorial Park." I think it is a good idea and would be very appropriate. I hope we can work out better protection for the police officers.
Also, I hope the Virginia Department of Transportation gets on with construction in the mall area of U.S. 460 before the new Wal-Mart and Lowe's open up. Traffic will be impossible if nothing is done.
Ron Baldwin
We'll regret electing North
Our Senate race is going down to the wire, but it appears Oliver North will win. Our country seems to feel Congress needs a change - though it was elected by us. However, when someone like North comes on the scene with all the answers - so he says - a large number of people fall for it hook, line and sinker.
North does not worry about the truth. Recently, he wrote begging letters to supporters saying his campaign is almost broke - after having the largest campaign fund in the history of Virginia. Throughout the campaign he has lied. Even when caught he refuses to admit he lied.
Now he is harping on President Clinton about Haiti and Iraq. He states we should not be in Haiti and that Clinton has cut our armed forces so much we cannot expect to keep Iraq from attacking its neighbors. It is strange that restoring democracy and relieving our neighbors in Haiti of brutal dictators is not important but protecting Kuwait's oil is in our "national interest." When we Americans think more of the almighty dollar than we do of human suffering it is a sad day. Yet listening to the so-called Religious Right this is the Christian way. My 74 years of Christian living and teaching must have been wrong.
North's co-workers and his commanders almost to a man have stated he is a liar and not to be trusted. In November we will probably have North as our senator, but it will be for the wrong reasons and will be a day I believe we will long regret.
Eugene L. Nuckols
Boucher always there to help
First of all, I would like to thank Rep. Rick Boucher, D-Abingdon, for the great job he has been doing for the people in Southwest Virginia. During times when I have gone to Rick's office for help, the door was always open. I found that I could count on Rick to go to bat for me and to work on my problems.
In one ad, Steve Fast conjectures that he has a family, and is therefore more concerned with the needs of families in our district, and Rick doesn't. I would argue that Rick Boucher has a family of tremendous numbers - all those Virginians he represents as congressman.
Darrell W. Addison
Robb the best choice for Senate
Let's look at both major-party candidates for the U.S. Senate:
Both have made mistakes. There is not a person alive who has not made mistakes. Most are the result of poor judgment and are sincerely regretted. Others are committed with full awareness and not regretted. Robb appears to be remorseful over "youthful" mistakes, North does not appear remorseful, and tends to get defensive for his acts of patriotism.
Both want to address key issues. We have all seen how painfully slow our government works, but that is the system we have, and it has served us well over 200 years. Robb will strive to work within the system, or legitimately try to reform it. We know how North would operate; if the system doesn't work, make up a new system, change the system to make it suit the needs of the moment.
Both want to serve the people of Virginia. Robb has demonstrated he will represent all the people, both those he agrees with and those he doesn't. North is clear who he believes he should represent and it is not all of the people, only those who agree with him and his ideology.
Vote for Sen. Robb.
Dennis Hamric
Group issues call to prayer
On Sunday, Nov. 6, the New River Valley Men's Prayer Group will hold a community prayer gathering at Radford High School stadium at 1:30-2:30 p.m. Those who profess Christianity should be there. We will pray for our nation, our community, our families, our school system, our leaders, our churches, our pastors and our youth.
It is time for God's people - the body of Christ - to come together and practice something we have talked about for years - prayer. If you don't respond to this call now, you should never again complain about the worsening conditions we must live in and how our children and grandchildren will have to survive.
The Rev. Jack L. Turner
North stands above rest of field
Virginians of conscience have an almighty sorry field of candidates from which to choose our next U.S. senator. Would that we could let the present incumbent's term expire and just cancel the whole thing.
Marshall Coleman, the perpetual wannabe and three-time loser, is about as popular as Typhoid Mary - and has as much chance of winning.
The clay feet of the once sainted Chuck Robb must now surely extend well past his knees. He has shown himself again and again as an LBJ disciple and a Clinton flunky of limited ability, weak character, questionable integrity, poor judgment and doubtful virtue. His unnoteworthy record runs the gambit from totally inappropriate personal conduct, to support for homosexuals in the military, a $33 billion social-service and a pork-loaded crime bill. He is out of touch with his constituents.
North is far from baggage free, but his pales in comparison with St. Chuck's. While his detractors would have us believe he was plotting to overthrow our republic, he was, in fact, carrying out the orders of his superiors: MacFarlane, Poindexter, Casey and Reagan. He was made the scapegoat and left to take the rap. At worst, he stands condemned by some for not being totally honest with Congress, which seldom if ever is totally honest when it comes to morals, ethics, determination and common sense. North stands head and shoulders above his opponents.
Richard K. Culbertson
Why you should vote for North
We see much in the media about the past conduct of North and Robb. Character is important and is an indicator of how our representative will vote. During the past session how did Robb vote on important issues and how would North have voted?
Lifting ban of gays in the military - the Senate rejected 63 to 33. Robb voted to lift the ban; North would have voted to keep it.
Ban on immigrants with HIV-AIDS virus - ban upheld by Senate 76 to 23. Robb voted to lift ban; North would vote to uphold ban.
Tax relief for families - the marriage penalty - was defeated by Senate 42 to 58. Robb voted against tax relief; North would vote for it.
Clinton's tax and spend budget - passed by Gore vote. Robb voted for it; North would have voted against it.
Condoms for children without parental consent - Helms amendment to prevent use of federal funds was defeated 59 to 34. Robb voted against the Helms amendment; North would vote for it.
The balanced budget amendment required two-thirds vote - it lost. Robb voted for it and so would North.
Taxpayer-funded abortions - Hyde amendment to prevent funding - upheld 59 to 40. Robb voted against amendment; North would vote for it.
Taxpayer funded pornography: Helms amendment would forbid National Endowment for the Arts funds going to individuals to eliminate this type of pornography. The amendment was defeated 65 to 30. Robb voted to defeat; North would support such limitation.
Voluntary school prayer and study of the Bible - Helms amendment was rejected 38 to 55. Robb voted to reject Helms amendment; North would support.
Term limits on Congress - 12 years - was rejected 57 to 39. Robb voted to reject; North would vote for term limits.
If you want smaller government, less taxes, term limits, more personal freedom, then vote for North.
John C. LeDoux
North stands for freedom
There are several reasons why voters should vote for Oliver North. He is for freedom, not socialism. Sen. Chuck Robb votes for gun control laws and also received a $1,000 contribution from Handgun Control Inc. Sarah Brady of Handgun Control declared, "creating a Socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist have been totally disarmed." Sen. Robb votes for socialism, not freedom.
Joseph H. McClung
Rich Creek
North only serves himself
If Oliver North merely lied, and he has in the past to the detriment of all citizens of America, the present citizens of Virginia could evaluate his actual record. North is an untethered liar, a fabricator who owes no allegiance to truth or falsity. He creates what is necessary, what is convenient, and what is profitable. Responsible people from his distant and recent past have testified to his unreliability. When he says he wants to go against Clinton's tax and spend programs, he doesn't want you to remember the spend-and-spend programs of the Reagan administration that created a crippling deficit and the unlawful activities that North oversaw. When he says he wants to reform the governmental process in Washington, what he means is to circumvent government, as he did in the Iran-Contra matter. But he won't be serving you or the truth, he will be serving himself and those who have funded him so incredibly well because he has no substance; he is the perfect pawn.
Russell I. Gregory
North lies on daily basis
The recent article " Virginia Senate race like a laboratory for lie experts" misses one critical point. Most politicians lie, but while Robb is accused of lying about his marital infidelity and possible association with drug users, North seems to lie on a daily basis, putting his spin doctors on red alert. It's no wonder they've tried to limit his press engagements, for North appears to be the king at inserting his foot in his mouth at every turn. I see a distinct difference between someone who lies on occasion, and someone who lives a lie, as North does in "Ollies World."
It is absolutely unprecedented in Republican politics for so many GOP loyalists to speak out against another of the same party. Sen. John Warner won't support him, even Ronald Reagan gets "steamed" over North's comments, violating his own 11th Commandment, not to speak ill of a fellow Republican. How are so many North supporters able to put all of this aside?
Russell I. Gregory
North, Fast should be elected
One of the best qualities a person can have is to protect the rights of those who can't protect themselves.
This is the reason we must elect Oliver North and Steve Fast as they are pro-life. [Sen. Charles] Robb and [Rep. Rick] Boucher support abortion rights, which means innocent babies are killed at any stage of pregnancy. Voters, if you support this kind of candidate you are guilty before God.
Ernestine B. Frith
Memo: ***CORRECTION***