Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, December 2, 1994                   TAG: 9412020072
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B7   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: RICHMOND                                 LENGTH: Short


Virginia's Mike Frederick won the fifth annual Dudley Award on Thursday night, making him the first defensive player to receive the state's top individual college football honor.

``I'm shocked. Everybody told me on the way down in the car that I didn't need to worry about anything because no defensive player has ever won this award,'' Frederick said.

The Cavaliers' 6-foot-6, 256-pound redshirt senior defensive end won in the most fractured voting in the history of the award. Five different players received first-place votes in balloting by a panel of sports writers and broadcasters from across the state.

Frederick, who was named on 11 of the 13 possible ballots, received four first-place votes and wound up with 33 total points.

Mike Cawley, James Madison's record-setting quarterback who led the Dukes into the second round of the NCAA Division I-AA playoffs, was named on five ballots, including four first-place votes. He finished second with 23 points.

William & Mary quarterback Shawn Knight, who was second in last year's voting, finished third this time. Knight was named on five ballots, including three first-place votes, and had 17 points.

``I don't really understand why I'm here,'' Frederick said. ``But I'm very thankful that somebody recognized that people can do some outstanding things on defense too.''

 by CNB