Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, December 10, 1994                   TAG: 9412120022
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Marine Cpl. DAVID W. LAWSON, son of David J. Lawson and Kathy L. Richards, both of Pulaski, recently returned from a six-month deployment to the Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit while assigned to the USS Guam Amphibious Ready Group.

Air Force Cadet NATHANIEL A. SOUTHWORTH, son of William W. and Elaine D. Southworth of Blacksburg, has earned his degree from Virginia Military Institute and has been commissioned a second lieutenant through the ROTC program .

Army Spec. DONNIE L. THORNTON, son of Roy E. and Bessie F. Thornton of Pulaski, has completed a U.S. Army primary leadership development course at Grafenwonhr, Germany. Thornton is an animal care specialist.

Army Reserve Pvt. MICHAEL A. MILLER, son of Joyce A. Miller of Christiansburg, has completed basic training at Fort Knox, Ky.

Army Cadet JEFFREY B. McCARTER received practical work in military leadership at the Army ROTC Advanced Camp, Fort Lewis, Tacoma, Wash. McCarter is a student at Northeastern State University, Tahlequah, Okla. On graduation, he will be commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army, Guard or Reserve. His wife, Laurie, is the daughter of Larry Watson of Christiansburg.

Air Force Sgt. WILLIAM J. GRAHAM, son of Joseph W. and Trudy Graham of Elliston, has earned a degree from the Community College of the Air Force headquartered at Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Ala. Graham is a ground radio communication specialist stationed at Andrews Air Force Base, Camp Springs, Md.

Army Cadet JOHN M. EPPERLY, son of Charles C. and Barbara A. Epperly of Radford, has been decorated with the Meritorious Service Medal. Epperly is a task force logistics officer.

Army Pvt. BENJAMIN L. LINKOUS, son of Larson L. and Kay S. Linkous of Dublin, has completed basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Waynesville, Mo.

Army Pvt. RAYMOND S. BISHOP, son of Nathaniel L. and Sylvia V. Bishop of Christiansburg, has completed basic training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C.

Air Force Cadet SCOTT S. COLE, son of Stephen R. Cole and Claire G. Cole, both of Blacksburg, has completed ROTC field training encampment at Tyndall Air Force Base, Panama City, Fla. Cole is a student at Virginia Military Institute.

Navy Fireman DONALD A. LAWSON, son of Charlie A. and Joyce A. Lawson of Barren Springs, recently returned from a six-month deployment to the Mediterranean, Adriatic and Black seas with the destroyer USS Deyo, home-ported in Charleston, S.C.

Marine Lance Cpl. MICHAEL S. PRATER, son of Anita Prater of Willis, graduated from the Marine Corps' Basic Refrigeration Mechanic Course.

 by CNB