Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, December 11, 1994                   TAG: 9511220116
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 13   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Boyles anniversary

Russell and Ethel Boyles celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary on December 3, 1994, at the Fries Pentecostal Holiness Church. The celebration was given by their family and was attended by many friends. The couple was married on December 8, 1924, in Galax, Virginia, and have been lifelong residents of Fries, Virginia. They have three children Early Boyes, Sr., Helen Gravley and Wanda Kirby, all of Fries.


Custer anniversary

Charlie L. and Margaret McCoy Custer will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary at a reception given by their children and grandchildren on Sunday, December 11, 1994 between 2 and 4 p.m. at Belmont Baptist Church, 825 Stewart Ave. SE, Roanoke. Friends and family are invited to share in this special day.

They were married on December 25, 1934 at Belmont Baptist parsonage. They have two children, Eleanor Dillard and Everette Custer, and three grandchildren, Clark and Lynne Custer, and Wendy Dillard.

\ Liddle anniversary

Billie Jean and Heath Nelson Liddle celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on November 13, 1994 at the Marriott Hotel in Blacksburg. The celebration was hosted by Barbara and Bob Pack and H. N. and Joni Liddle.

The couple were married on November 10, 1944 in Christiansburg, Va. They reside in Newport after living for 35 years in Blacksburg. Nelson is formerly of Galax. Mrs. Liddle, the former Billie Jean Huffman, is a native of Blacksburg.

They have two children, Barbara Pack of Blacksburg, and H. N. Liddle, Jr. of Roanoke. Their grandson, Justin Daiber Pack, is a junior at Blacksburg High School.

\ Neighbors anniversary

Happy 30th anniversary Mom & Dad! Did you ever think you would make it 30 years! Thank you for all the patience and support.

I love you!


 by CNB