Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, December 31, 1994                   TAG: 9501050020
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


WHEN WE commented recently on Bedford Del. Lacey Putney's call for a sales-tax increase to finance prison construction, we wrongly implied that former state Sen. Dudley Emick of Fincastle was the last area legislator to propose such an increase - in his case, for education, in 1991.

State Sen. Madison Marye of Shawsville sets us straight. He called for a sales-tax increase for prisons and public schools at the '94 General Assembly. We are pleased to give credit where credit is due. If other local legislators care to contact us to take pride in ownership of other tax-increase proposals we've overlooked, we'll gladly pass along the news.

PLEASE, no more holiday cakes - this year anyway. They're wonderful, but there has to be a limit. No loaf, at this point, would be better than half a loaf.

Ray Garland, columnist for this newspaper and former GOP state lawmaker, shared with the editorial staff an example of his fine fruitcake, which we enjoyed. On Christmas Eve, we reprinted his family recipe.

Now Hollins professor Jake Wheeler, apparently concerned for our non-partisan posture, has delivered unto us a recipe and example of a "Democratic Christmas cake," in the form of Mama Wheeler's delicious pecan cake. We enjoyed this creation, too.

Bother Prof. Wheeler if you want the recipe. But be aware: While the Democratic offering was at least as family-valued, the Republican's was richer.

 by CNB