Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: THURSDAY, March 9, 1995 TAG: 9503090105 SECTION: VIRGINIA PAGE: C-4 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: MATT CHITTUM DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
His wife, Gracie Graybill, remained in critical condition Wednesday night at Roanoke Memorial Hospital.
Rescue workers were called to Blue Ridge Manor Apartments on Laurel Hill Drive around 11 p.m. Monday and found Willie Graybill, 70, in full cardiac arrest.
About 40 minutes later, Gracie Graybill, 69, also had a heart attack. Roanoke County Fire Inspector Rodney Ferguson said the attack possibly was caused by seeing her husband's condition.
Authorities initially thought the heart attacks might have been caused by toxic fumes. Ferguson said the complex was evacuated and checked, but no toxic fumes were found.