Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, March 11, 1995                   TAG: 9503140061
SOURCE: The Washington Post
DATELINE: WASHINGTON                                LENGTH: Medium


Michael Carns, the retired Air Force general selected by President Clinton to head the CIA, said Friday night he has asked that his nomination be withdrawn because he is the victim of ``venomous and abusive accusations,'' which he was unwilling to fight in his Senate confirmation hearings.

A senior administration official said Clinton accepted that decision and offered the nomination to John Deutch, deputy secretary of defense. Deutch, who had turned the post down before it was offered to Carns, accepted, the official said.

Carns said he was withdrawing in the face of accusations made by Elbino Runas, a Filipino citizen, to the Senate Intelligence Committee and the FBI. Runas lived with the family in the Philippines. The family obtained immigration documents to bring him with them to Hawaii in 1987. He stayed with them after a move to Washington until 1992.

The nominee said he was presented with allegations that he had violated immigration law and that the family had failed to honor an employment contract with Runas.

Carns acknowledged that his wife, Victoria, had provided inaccurate information to U.S. Embassy officials in the Philippines in obtaining the original visa for Runas, a nephew of the family's Filipino cook. She signed papers falsely saying he had worked for the Carnses in the Philippines and would continue to work for them in the United States. In 1992, Carns said, he provided false information to the Immigration and Naturalization Service in Washington in obtaining an extension of the visa.

He said Friday night that he and his wife had acted out of humanitarian motives and ``did not realize'' what they were signing.

 by CNB