Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, March 16, 1995                   TAG: 9503160082
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: A-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Three things a person must have to get a ticket to next month's Renew Roanoke Grand Opening Gala at the Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center:

1. $100;

2. A 3-by-5 card;

3. The luck of the draw.

Michelle Bono, Roanoke's public information officer, said 100 of an estimated 1,000 gala tickets are up for grabs by the public - not on a first-come, first-serve basis, but through a lottery of sorts.

People who want to get in on the random drawing for the $100-a-pop tickets must submit a 3-by-5-inch card with their name, address and daytime phone number. Fifty names will be drawn. Each of the 50 will be allowed to buy two tickets.

Sending more than one card won't better the odds, Bono said. One name, one chance.

About 900 invitations to the April 29 event have been sent to various dignitaries and hotel supporters, including those who gave to Renew Roanoke, the campaign to raise money for the hotel restoration. They too, must pay $100 a ticket, Bono said.

"No tickets will be complimentary," she said. "People have said, 'I bet [Roanoke City Manager] Bob Herbert's not buying his.' But yes, he is. If the governor comes, the governor will have to pay."

Thirty dollars from each ticket will go to Renew Roanoke. The remaining $70 covers the cost of a reception, dinner and a commemorative gift.

For those who want a jump on gala-goers, there will be plenty opportunity before the big event - at half the cost or less. The Comprehensive Health Investment Partnership and the Roanoke Adolescent Health Partnership will host a benefit on April 3, opening day. Tickets are $50.

The Arts Council of the Blue Ridge plans a benefit April 7. Tickets for that are $25.

Those who want to chance the ticket-drawing can send their 3-by-5 cards to: Renew Roanoke Grand Opening Gala, 215 Church Ave., SW, Room 364, Roanoke 24011. Questions? Call 981-2333.

 by CNB