Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, March 18, 1995                   TAG: 9503200035
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


`Meet-the-Celebrity' arts series

FLOYD - Joni Pienkowski, a New River Valley artist whose works have been displayed throughout Virginia, is one of the notables participating in Jessie Peterman Memorial Branch Library's "Meet-the-Celebrity" series this spring.

Others include the Ferrum College Jazz Combo; Jim Lloyd, Ed Ogle, and Kathy and John Hollandsworth, who play Appalachian music; and "Talking With," a drama performed by the Wytheville Community College Players.

The series is on Mondays in April at 8 p.m., with a reception at 7:30 p.m. Proceeds will go to the library's endowment fund. Tickets are $4 at the door.

Montgomery boards seek members

BLACKSBURG - The Montgomery County Board of Supervisors seeks applications for appointment to the New River Valley Community Services Board and the Office on Youth Advisory Board.

The community services board sets local policy, decides on programs to offer in the area and reviews finances of mental health facilities. Board members meet the fourth Thursday of the month, 7 p.m.

The youth advisory board, which meets every third Monday, 7 p.m., informs county government and other agencies on youth issues.

Applicants must be residents of Montgomery County, registered voters and in good tax standing.

Submit letters of intent by April 5 to: Betty Thomas, County Administrator, P.O. Box 806, Christiansburg, Va. 24073.

Golf Privilege Card offered

ROANOKE - Avid golfers can save money on green fees through an offer from the American Lung Association of Virginia.

The association's Golf Privilege Card allows golfers to play up to 250 rounds at a free or discounted price at courses in Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina, including Myrtle Beach courses. The card is available for a $40 donation to the association, and if you buy three, you get a fourth free.

For more information, call the lung association at 362-5864.

 by CNB