Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: FRIDAY, April 14, 1995 TAG: 9504140038 SECTION: VIRGINIA PAGE: B-4 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: DIANE STRUZZI DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
Uvonia Ann Roy of the 500 block of Walnut Avenue was in satisfactory condition Thursday afternoon at Roanoke Memorial Hospital, according to a nursing supervisor.
Roanoke police gave this account of what happened:
Roy told them the man handed her a business card and asked her how to get to the address printed on it. The man entered the apartment when Roy went to get a pair of eyeglasses. He asked to use Roy's telephone, and when Roy said she did not have one, the suspect walked to the door.
Before leaving, he turned around, grabbed Roy by the throat and pushed her back into the apartment. He stabbed Roy in the left side with an unknown object and fled the scene, police said. Nothing was taken from the apartment.
Roy walked to a neighbor's house to call police.