Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: FRIDAY, April 14, 1995 TAG: 9505020005 SECTION: CURRENT PAGE: NRV2 EDITION: NEW RIVER VALLEY SOURCE: NEW RIVER VALLEY BUREAU DATELINE: BLACKSBURG LENGTH: Short
Susan Kaiser, a partner with the Roanoke accounting firm of McLeod & Company, will begin her new job May 8. She fills a position left vacant in March 1994 when then-finance director Mary Kemp left for the same job in Herndon.
Since then, Assistant Town Manager Bonnie Svrcek and Assistant Finance Director Debbie Glossbrenner have juggled the duties of managing a department that has contributed to the town's winning of several awards in financial reporting and budget preparation over the last few years.
At the same time Kemp left, the town's planning director resigned also. Since then, the town has hired a new attorney and named a new police chief. "Taking them in order," it was time to relieve Svrcek and Glossbrenner of their increased work loads, Town Manager Ron Secrist said.
Kaiser is a certified public accountant who graduated from Virginia Tech in 1982. She has worked with McLeod & Company since 1987, and for five years before that worked with Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company, also in Roanoke.