Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: FRIDAY, April 21, 1995 TAG: 9504210103 SECTION: BUSINESS PAGE: A9 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: JEFF STURGEON DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
Having heard other companies were getting good results from pre-employment classes, Crouse-Hinds designed a four-hour orientation course that job candidates had to take before they were hired.
Applicants are not paid while they are in class, but have been told they are likely to be hired.
Advocates of pre-employment classes say the process helps to minimize turnover by ensuring that a company and worker are a good match before any decision about hiring is made.
Crouse-Hinds on Wednesday received the 1995 employer of the year award for its use of such classes. The honor was given during the annual Employer Appreciation Breakfast hosted by the Roanoke office of the Virginia Employment Commission and Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce.
The annual award goes to a local company that exhibits cutting-edge hiring procedures, enjoys a good reputation, uses VEC services and has hired a significant numbers of employees.