Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, June 13, 1995                   TAG: 9506130047
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: B-7   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Here is a list of new Western Virginia corporations and the names of their registered agents filed May 19-25 with the State Corporation Commission and reported by the agency last week. For more details, call (804) 371-9733.

A.S.R. - Asphalt Sealing & Repair Inc., Beulah Twine, Salem

Alley's Country Store Inc., James M. Young, Salem

American Home Inspection Services Inc., William Jewett McCaw III, Dry Fork

Associated Energies Inc., Paul A. Tucker, Fincastle

B-W Video Inc., Melvin L. Hill, Roanoke

Belle Grove Development Corp., Terry E. Parsell, Roanoke

Blue Ridge Health Care Inc., Benjamin R. Gardner, Martinsville

Blue Ridge Optical Inc., G. Steven Agee, Roanoke

A.G. Board & Son Inc., David A. Furrow, Rocky Mount

Chaparral Park Inc., Bruce E. Welch, Roanoke

Go Kart Express Inc., James V. Doss III, Lexington

L & F Logging Inc., Leonard L. Branscome, Dugspur

L'Orient Styling Salon Ltd., Charles R. Steenburgh Jr., Lexington

Marvelous Entertainment Inc., Marvin Matusof, Moneta

New Life Family Bookstore Inc., Sonja Tucker, Roanoke

PharmExpress Inc., Kevin L. Pearson, Vinton

Carroll W. Poovey Jr. Optometrist P.C., Carroll W. Poovey Jr., Christiansburg

Primary Care Associates of Martinsville Inc., Benjamin R. Gardner, Martinsville

Printed Circuits of Virginia Inc., Richard E.B. Foster, Roanoke

Putt-Putt Golf & Games of Roanoke Inc., Jennings T. Bird, Roanoke

Read Mountain Estates Development Corp., Terry E. Parsell, Roanoke

Ronnie's Mobile Home Movers Inc., Douglas K. Frith, Martinsville

Shenandoah Valley Investments Inc., Charles Hall Jr., Roanoke

Specialty Builders of Franklin County Inc., Amanda Honore, Union Hall

The Steptoe Callaway Cemetery Foundation, Michael W. Read, Forest

TBM Inc., Steven R. Grant, Bedford

Transportation Systems and Technologies Inc., Antoine G. Hobeika, Blacksburg

Tri X Inc., Donna Sue Troutt, Shawsville

Tri-County Lawn & Landscape Service Inc., George I. Vogel II, Roanoke

Vietnam Tours Inc., G. Steven Agee, Roanoke

Vinton Improvement Corp., Bruce E. Mayer, Vinton

Welcome Homes Inc., Bruce E. Mayer, Vinton

W.T. Wray Excavating Co. Inc., Bruce E. Welch, Roanoke

Yuppie Puppie Inc., Floyd Michael Montgomery, Roanoke

FDI Postal Properties II Inc., John J. Gill, Pulaski

RC&F Land Co., Brian T. Scheid, Narrows

Roadmark Properties Inc., John J. Gill, Pulaski

Surry Temporary Services Inc., Dwight E. Compton, Hillsville

The James White Construction Co., Charles H. Osterhoudt, Roanoke

 by CNB