Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, July 15, 1995                   TAG: 9507170123
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


BRIAN REMLEY has the best hands his high school coach has ever seen.

Brian Remley, considered one of the top athletes to come through the nationally renowned football program at Berwick (Pa.) High School, has made an oral commitment to Virginia Tech.

Remley, a starting wide receiver for teams that have gone 27-2 the past two years, is coming off a junior season in which he had 48 receptions for 741 yards and 12 touchdowns.

``He's got maybe the best set of hands I've seen in 28 years of coaching,'' said George Curry, the head coach at Berwick for the past 24 seasons. ``The kid's phenomenal.''

Berwick has been named USA Today's national champion twice under Curry, known for his expertise in the passing game. Curry has sent 13 quarterbacks to Division I programs, including Ron Powlus and Jake Kelchner to Notre Dame before Kelchner transferred to West Virginia.

Remley, 6-foot-3 and 185 pounds, picked Tech over Syracuse. Curry said Remley also was offered scholarships by Virginia, Wake Forest and Temple.

``He's one of the best we've had,'' Curry said. ``He has no fear. He would go up for the ball in the middle of Interstate 95.''

Remley is the second player to make an oral commitment to Tech this summer, joining quarterback Nick Sorensen from George Marshall High in Falls Church.

Tech is also recruiting Berwick quarterback Dave Robbins and fullback-linebacker Jeremy Kishbaugh.

``They've got the catcher,'' Curry said. ``Now they need to go after the pitcher.''

Curry, a speaker at Tech football camps in the past, said Remley was impressed by the beauty of the campus and the stability of the program under ninth-year coach Frank Beamer.

Remley, who has been clocked in less than 4.6 seconds for 40 yards, was a third-team all-state selection at wide receiver and also played defensive back. He already has qualified academically for freshman eligibility.

 by CNB