Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: SUNDAY, September 17, 1995 TAG: 9509180045 SECTION: VIRGINIA PAGE: C-4 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Medium
Virginia 707: Construction is under way to widen and pave Virginia 707 between Virginia 24 and Virginia 43.
U.S. 221: Construction is under way at various locations between Forest and Goode. Lane closures and short delays are expected.
Interstate 81: The highway is under construction from milepost 147 [Roanoke County/Botetourt County line] to milepost 168. Various lane closings will be in effect in both northbound and southbound lanes. This Monday through Friday, northbound traffic will be reduced to one lane while the concrete pavement is being overlaid with asphalt. Motorists can expect delays.
For information, northbound motorists can tune to 1610 AM and southbound motorists can tune to 530 AM. There will be delays.
Interstate 81: The bridge is being repaired at exit 162 over U.S. 11. Traffic will be reduced to one lane, and the southbound exit ramp will be closed. The speed limit has been reduced to 55 mph.
Virginia 722: Construction of a drain has begun at the Cranberry River. Drivers may use Virginia 887 as an alternate.
Virginia 823: Construction of a drain has begun over Elk Spur Branch. Drivers may use Virginia 691 and Virginia 679 as alternates.
U.S. 220 Business: [North Main Street] In Rocky Mount, the road is being widened to four lanes to the U.S. 220 bypass.
Virginia 802, 832, 853 and 861: Surface treatment under way.
U.S. 58: The 4.6 mile stretch from Virginia 684 to Spencer is being widened to four lanes. Traffic has been shifted to the new lanes while a bridge is being rebuilt. The speed limit has been reduced to 45 mph.
Virginia 177: Work is under way to add southbound lanes from I-81 to Radford.
Virginia 685: Work is under way to widen and straighten Virginia 685 [Prices Fork Road] near Blacksburg.
Virginia 117 [Peters Creek Road]: Realigning has begun of intersections at Melrose Avenue, Salem Turnpike and Shenandoah Avenue. Work is being performed along Shenandoah Avenue.
U.S. 220 [Roy L. Webber Highway]: Work is under way to widen the expressway from four to six lanes from Elm Avenue to Virginia 419. Lane closures may occur at night in both northbound and southbound lanes between Virginia 419 and Wonju Street. Motorists heading south between Virginia 419 and Wal-Mart may not turn left onto Southern Hills Drive. Motorists heading north between Wal-Mart and Virginia 419 may not turn left onto Valley Avenue. The speed limit, reduced to 45 mph in the construction zone, is strictly enforced.
U.S. 11: Williamson Road is being widened from Plantation Road one mile north. One lane is open in each direction. The middle, or left-turn, lane has been deleted; a new traffic pattern is in place. The Hollins College entrance and LaMarre Drive are being realigned, and a new signal is being installed. Vehicles wider than 9 feet are prohibited from Plantation Road to Virginia 601.
Virginia 115: [Plantation Road] The intersection of Plantation Road and Virginia 601 [Hollins Road] is being improved by widening a drain, adding turn lanes and installing a traffic signal.
I-81: The bridge between exits 140 [Virginia 311] and 141 [Virginia 419] is being replaced. Pavement will be widened in the median beginning on the northbound side from 10 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. The southbound on-ramp from Exit 141 [Virginia 419] will be closed for two years. Motorists can use Virginia 311 to Exit 140 to travel south. Speed will be reduced to 55 mph.
#Virginia 24:New water lines are being installed across the east- and westbound lanes. Single lane closures will occur from Pollard Street to Chestnut Avenue from 9 to 4 p.m. beginning Monday through Oct. 6. The speed limit will be reduced to 25 mph.
I-81: The southbound exit ramp at Exit 180A [National Bridge/Glasgow] will be closed for about 45 days because of repair work to the I-81 bridge over U.S. 11. Motorists are advised to use Exit 180B to exit onto U.S. 11.