Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, September 28, 1995                   TAG: 9509290103
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: E-11   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


KIMBERLY ANN BOUCHER, daughter of Roger A. and JoAnn Boucher of Roanoke, has been nominated for Who's Who Among Law Students. She is a second-year law student at Albany Law School in Albany, N.Y.

ROANOKE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL'S School of Practical Nursing has announced the names of Roanoke Valley students who graduated in August. They are Mary Agee, Tammy Bower, Heather Carter, Kimberly Dalton, Jessica Harris, Leslie Harris, Ella Jackson, Ruth McGuire, Brandi Matthews, Gail Mayhew, Susan Monk, Kristin Rea, Kenneth Taylor, Sylvia Watts and Robert Wozniak, all of Roanoke; and Ashley Faw, Brenda McClure and Cathy White, all of Vinton.

JOHN CRITZER of Fincastle has won the $1,000 state DeMolay scholarship.

Critzer, Jason Akers of Roanoke and Chris Pendleton of Blue Ridge, also received $850 scholarships from the Karnes Memorial Scholarship Fund during the recent statewide DeMolay Conclave.

THE ARTS COUNCIL OF THE BLUE RIDGE recently handed out scholarships to six students to help them explore or extend their experience in the arts. Ray Jackson of William Byrd High School, Tony Southers of William Fleming High School and Hassan Al-fatlawy and Eddie Nichols, both of Patrick Henry High School, received money to buy art supplies.

Jeff Eeningenburg, a recent Patrick Henry graduate, will use his scholarship to cover one semester of voice lessons at Moody Bible Institute; and Angela Primo of the Roanoke Valley Christian School will use her scholarship to continue art lessons.

 by CNB