Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, October 4, 1995                   TAG: 9510040093
SECTION: EDITORIAL                    PAGE: A-13   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


SOME EXPERTS, including many in the media, said that California Gov. Pete Wilson's presidential candidacy would succeed chiefly because of his ``moderate'' views on abortion and gay rights.

Wilson's withdrawal, just one month after announcing, has forced those ``experts'' to regroup. Now they say his pullout had nothing to do with the social issues, but rather with his ``harshness'' on immigration and his broken promise not to run for president if he won re-election as governor.

What is a ``moderate?'' Reading the definitions is instructive. They include: ``having average or less than average quality; mediocre; limited in scope or effect; of medium lightness and medium chroma.'' Could there be a better description of Pete Wilson?

The moderation that some supposed would attract so many voters, presumably disenchanted with the ``extremes,'' didn't. Wilson's standing in the polls was negligible. His fund raising fell far short. The New York Times says Wilson ``only months ago had been widely viewed as Sen. Bob Dole's toughest rival for the nomination.'' Widely viewed? By whom?

Will the Times now say that Dole is the better or best candidate? Not likely. They'll search for another ``moderate'' to push to the front of the pack or, if none emerges (other than Sen. Arlen Specter, whose campaign isn't going anywhere either) begin painting those with convictions as ``extremists.''

The Times admits its reading of Wilson's tea leaves was dead wrong: `` ... his fiscally conservative, socially moderate brand of Republicanism ignited no real enthusiasm. ... '' Why, then, are some conservatives moving in the direction of ``moderation'' when it ought to be clear they should remain where they've been?

William Bennett, author of ``The Book of Virtues,'' says, ``There are pro-choice candidates I could support.'' Bennett, Jack Kemp and even Newt Gingrich have had only kind words for Colin Powell, the pro-choice, pro-affirmative action, pro-gun control, more-Democrat-than Republican possible presidential candidate. Even the Christian Coalition's Ralph Reed says he's ``reserving judgment'' on Powell. What is going on?

Pragmatism without principle equals Pete Wilson. Are Republicans so desperate for the White House that they will sell their souls for the place? Are they saying that 30 million dead babies can be forgotten if the next White House occupant wears a Republican label and makes the trains run on time?

Bennett once said, ``Let's be strong. Let's be principled ... political leadership is telling people what you think they ought to hear, and this itself is one of the influences on how the public thinks on any issue.'' Addressing the 1990 GOP Governors' Conference, Bennett continued, ``If you'll futz around on something as serious as life, you'll futz around on anything.''

Former Reagan domestic policy adviser Gary Bauer got it right when he said, ``The GOP must not send a message to an already cynical public that a Republican nameplate at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue matters more to it than having a core philosophy.''

Republicans have been down this road before. When the GOP was created in the mid-1800s, Republicans rose to power and kept it for years because of their strong opposition to slavery - a moral issue. They lost power when they put the economy first, sinking into the corruption of the Gilded Age.

In 1884, Republicans nominated James Blaine, a ``moderate,'' for president. Radical Republican leader Carl Schurz announced: ``I yield to none of you in pride of the spirit and the great achievements of the Republican Party in the past. ... Remember how, under Republican guidance, the American Union was washed clean of the stain of slavery? ... And now after 24 years of uninterrupted ascendancy, what has the party come to? Look at it, the party of moral ideas ... now dodging and squirming around that record as something too hot to touch. ... Those of us who are truly proud of the good this party has done will be too proud to consent to its degrading perversion.''

That's conviction, not ``moderation.'' Lack of conviction killed Pete Wilson's candidacy. Other Republican leaders can follow Wilson's way to irrelevance, or they can stick to their principles.

- Los Angeles Times Syndicate


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