Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, October 8, 1995                   TAG: 9510090137
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B13   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: CHARLOTTE                                 LENGTH: Short


Matt DelGuidice turned aside all 24 shots to come his way, in a little over half of a game, as the Roanoke Express defeated the Charlotte Checkers 3-1 in an East Coast Hockey League exhibition game.

Craig Herr opened the scoring with his third goal of the preseason, banging home a behind-the-net feed from Dave Holum with the Express on a power play at 2:05 of the first period.

Scott Campbell countered with Charlotte's lone tally of the night less than three minutes later, beating Express goalie Scott Barber on the short side at a harsh angle from 35 feet.

Ilya Dubkov responded for the Express at 10:53 of the opening period, beating Checkers' goalie Scott Vettraino on a breakaway over the glove hand.

The Express would go on to kill 12 consecutive power plays, including two separate five-on-three situations.

With female netminder Manon Rheaume in net in the third period for Charlotte, rookie Brian Gallentine redirected Jason Clarke's second effort centering pass to clinch the game for the Express at the 7:43 mark of the final period.

Roanoke, which improved to 2-0 in the exhibition season, concludes its preseason schedule Tuesday night at the Roanoke Civic Center when the Express faces Hampton Roads. Charlotte finished the preseason at 1-1.

 by CNB